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Julie Jacks, PhD

Reach Upward, Press On

In March 2021, Sally and I took a trip to the Sonoran Desert (Phoenix, AZ). I had never been to the desert before, and I was surprised by its springtime beauty. What stood out the most in the dry, rocky terrain were the tree-like saguaro cacti which are native to this desert. These plants live about 150-200 years and can reach up to 50 or even 60 feet, but it takes them about 125 years to reach full maturity. This means they live 63-83% of their life before being considered grown up! Rather than rush this plant, God enables it to grow slowly and steadily in harsh conditions. It has a single taproot and a network of roots close to the surface that collects rainwater. The iconic arms of the saguaro reach upward and bloom with white flowers in late spring. In the summer it produces red fruit.[i] This cactus is an amazing source of life in an otherwise barren-looking terrain, and God protects it by giving it spikes that deter animals from ravaging it.

The saguaro cactus displays a kind of beauty and majesty that you cannot rush, and Sally and I were both encouraged by what we learned about it. We have had to fight feelings of discouragement and unworthiness from time to time, and even more as we age. We live in a society that values youth over wisdom, entertainment over relationship, productivity over waiting, and self-sufficiency over just about everything else. When the culture promotes these values, we shouldn’t be surprised or offended. But when the Christian community acts in similar ways, we have a problem.

We have a problem.

Youth. Entertainment. Productivity. Self-sufficiency. What’s wrong with these things? Nothing, necessarily. But it is all too easy to get sidetracked and deceived into focusing on them and to feel the need to prove our value and worth. It is too easy to idolize these things over wisdom, relationship with Jesus, waiting on God, and dependence on Holy Spirit, we are in trouble.

Thankfully, our years of walking with God have taught us that God is more interested in relationship than results and process more than productivity. We aren’t young anymore, but our arms reach upward! It can be hard to see beauty in the process, especially when it has been long, dry, and seemingly unproductive. When we feel like we have so little to show for our years of living, it is easy to give in to doubt and unbelief and those thoughts that say, “You’ve missed it. You’ve disappointed God. You’ve failed again. You’ve waited too long. You’re past your prime You have nothing to show for your life.”

None of those thoughts come from the Father who loves us and has called us according to his purpose. None of those thoughts is true.

The enemy—you know, the accuser of the brethren and father of lies, that enemy—would love to keep us in regret over our failures and unbelief concerning the promises of God. It’s easy to feel like we’re past our prime or that it’s too late for us to accomplish anything important. But, when we consider the saguaro, our perspective changes. We all need to be reminded that God sees us in process, and his love is patient. He’s not trying to rush us into maturity. He’s not evaluating our progress or productivity. It is okay to be patient. It is okay just to stand and soak up the water of the Word. God protects us just like he protects the cactus while we grow up. He does not value youth, vigor, activity, productivity, or success the same way we do. As a culture (even Christian culture), we have made idols out of youthful vitality, but only God is vital. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)!

It’s not just cacti that can encourage us to be fruitful despite our age. Psalm 92:14 says, “Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” In fact, the whole testimony of Scripture reminds us that age is irrelevant to the call of God on our lives. Abraham’s wife Sarah had lived 71% of her life before she had Isaac, the son of promise. Moses had lived 75% of his life before he led the children of Israel out of Egypt. Elizabeth was old and barren when she conceived John the Baptist. The truth is we are never too old for whatever God has called us to. Youth isn’t relevant either. Samuel, Esther, Jeremiah, and Timothy were all called in their youth (in a culture that valued the wisdom of the elders). The point is that cultural values do not affect how God sees us or how much value he puts on us. He loves us now, no matter our age or stage of life.

Therefore, now is the time to respond to his call and to press onward and upward in him. Now is the time to push back against the enemy’s lies. Now is the time to resist and watch his influence diminish (James 4:7). Now is the time to embrace the joy of the Lord as our strength for whatever season we are in (Nehemiah 8:10). Now is the time to stop thinking we’ve missed it and start believing that His purposes and promises still stand (2 Corinthians 1:20). He will be faithful to complete them (Philippians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:24). Whatever season you are in personally, press on and press upward into the call of God in Christ Jesus. It may take time to see your call fulfilled, but it will be so worth it!

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